Twig Filters and Functions

Throughout this documentation, you may have noticed Twig filters such as |e and |raw being used as we reference YAML fields in our examples. Here is a quick example:

{% if particle.headline %}<h1 class="font-family-bloody">{{ particle.headline|raw }}</h1>{% endif %}

This line comes from our guide on adding and applying fonts. It detects if the headline field of a particle has a set value, and if so, displays it in its raw HTML format.

This enables the user to enter HTML such as <style="color:red">Title</style> and have it render a red Title on the front end instead of being translated to its literal characters.

In Gantry, these elements are escaped by default. This is a security precaution as it restricts inline HTML from these fields only to fields that you have intentionally enabled it on. If you would like to open up rendered HTML for a field, you need to add the |raw filter.

Helpful Resources

The extensive Twig documentation from SensioLabs covers Filters extensively. We only covered a couple of the over 30 officially supported in Twig.

You will even find more detailed documentation about each filter, including how and when to use it, as well. We recommend starting with reading about escape and raw as these are used frequently in our documentation, as well as in the Hydrogen theme.

Custom Twig Filters

Gantry 5 includes an array of different Twig filters that are custom to Gantry. They enable you to get more out of Gantry, and utilize some of its powerful features.

Filter Description Parameters
fieldName Used internally in the Gantry administrator. It converts field names for the form.
html Finds streams and converts them into real URLs. domain timestamp_age
url Takes a stream and converts it to a real URL.
trans Translates the string.
repeat Repeats whatever you put in it by the assigned count. count
json_decode Basically the same as json_decode() in php. assoc depth options
values Returns all the values from the array and indexes the array numerically.
base64 Encodes the string into a base64 format.
imagesize Grabs the image dimensions and outputs it in HTML tag format.
truncate_text Strips text out of HTML tags and truncates text to a provided number of characters. limit
truncate_html Truncates text to a provided number of characters, preserving HTML. limit



Input (Twig):

<input type="text" name="{{ ''|fieldName }}"/>

Output (HTML):

<input type="text" name="particles[date][format]"/>


Input (Twig):

{{ '<img src="gantry-theme://images/foo.jpg"/>'|html }}


<img src="/templates/g5_hydrogen/images/foo.jpg"/>


Input (Twig):

<img src="{{ 'gantry-theme://images/foo.jpg'|url }}"/>

Output (HTML):

<img src="/templates/g5_hydrogen/images/foo.jpg"/>


Input (Twig):

<h1>{{ 'GANTRY5_PLATFORM_STYLES'|trans }}</h1>

Output (HTML):



Input (Twig):

{{ '.'|repeat(3) }}

Output (HTML):



Input (Twig):

{% set array = {one: 'foo', two: 'bar'} %}
{% set values = array|values %}
{{ array|json_encode }} => {{ values|json_encode }}

Output (HTML):

{"one":"foo",""two":"bar"} => ["foo","bar"]


Input (Twig):

<img src="{{ 'gantry-theme://images/foo.jpg'|url }}" {{ 'gantry-theme://images/foo.jpg'|imagesize }}/>

Output (HTML):

<img src="/templates/g5_hydrogen/images/foo.jpg" width="100" height="50" />

Custom Twig Functions

Just like with Twig Filters - Gantry 5 also has a set of custom Twig functions that you can use in templates and particles. Here is a quick list:

Function Description Parameters
nested Retrieves value by using dot notation for nested arrays/objects.
colorContrast Given a color, it returns a fitting light or dark color for better contrast.
get_cookie Gets a cookie from the current request.
preg_match Searches subject for a match to the regular expression given in pattern. pattern subject
url Takes a stream and converts it to a real URL.
json_decode Basically the same as json_decode() in PHP. assoc depth options
imagesize Grabs the image dimensions and outputs it in HTML tag format.