Creating New Layout

Layouts are blocks of code that control the HTML structure of a particular section of the template rendering. By default, Gantry comes with several built-in layout files. These are located in the libraries/gantry/html/layouts/ folder.

Here is a list of included layout files:

Layouts Description
body_debugmainbody.php Used for debugging mainbody layout configurations
body_iphonemainbody.php Deprecated - Used for iPhone mainbody layout configurations
body_mainbody.php The default mainbody layout. This is the layout that controls the mainbody in relation to the sidebars.
doc_body.php Used to render the body tag, used in displayBodyTag()
doc_tag.php Used in the generic rendering of a tag output by the displayClassesByTag() method
feature_basic.php Used for generic outputting of feature contents
mod_basic.php A basic layout for modules
mod_sidebar.php Layout used for sidebars
mod_standard.php The stanndard layout for modules.
orderedbody_mainbody.php Renders mainbody and sidebars in order for use with CSS tables

Layouts are blocks of code that control the HTML structure of a particular section of the template rendering. By default, Gantry comes with several built-in layout files located in the wp-content/plugins/gantry/html/layouts/ folder:

Layouts Description
body_iphonemainbody.php Deprecated - Used for iPhone mainbody layout configurations
body_mainbody.php the default mainbody layout. This is the layout that controls the mainbody in relation to the sidebars
doc_body.php a layout to render the body tag, used in displayBodyTag()
doc_tag.php a layout used in the generic rendering of a tag output by the displayClassesByTag() method
widget_basic.php a basic layout for modules
widget_sidebar.php the layout for the sidebars
widget_standard.php the standard layout for modules
orderedbody_mainbody.php renders mainbody and sidebars in order for use with CSS tables

Step 1: Purpose

The default layouts that ship with the Gantry framework are designed to be flexible enough to handle the needs of 99% of all possible implementations. However, there are occasions when the default HTML structure does not contain all of the block elements or class names required to realize a particular design.

In these rare cases, you can utilize the power of the Gantry framework to override the default layout with your own template-provided layout. Also, certain layouts, such as the ones used with modules, are flexible enough to support your own custom layouts, and you can call them in the same way the default ones are called.

Step 2: Create/Copy New Layout Files

The simplist way to do this is to copy an existing layout. In this example, we'll copy the body_mainbody.php layout and modify it. These files are located here:


However, you do not want to modify the core Gantry files. Instead, copy the new layout file to:


You may have to create the layouts/ folder, if it does not already exist

In this case, copy the body_mainbody.php from the core layouts location to the template layouts location.

The simplest way to do this is to copy an existing layout. In this example, we'll copy the body_mainbody.php layout and modify it after. The files are located under:


However, you do not want to modify the core Gantry files. Instead, copy the new layout file to:


You may have to create a layouts/ folder if one does not already exist.

In this case, copy body_mainbody.php from the core layouts location into the template layouts location.

Step 3: File Structure

After you have copied the body_mainbody.php file, you can open it up and edit it to suit your needs. By default, it looks like this:

 * @version   $Id: body_mainbody.php 2381 2012-08-15 04:14:26Z btowles $
 * @author    RocketTheme
 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007 - ${copyright_year} RocketTheme, LLC
 * @license GNU/GPLv2 only
 * Gantry uses the Joomla Framework (, a GNU/GPLv2 content management system
defined('GANTRY_VERSION') or die();


 * @package    gantry
 * @subpackage html.layouts
class GantryLayoutBody_MainBody extends GantryLayout {
    var $render_params = array(
        'schema'        =>  null,
        'pushPull'      =>  null,
        'classKey'      =>  null,
        'sidebars'      =>  '',
        'contentTop'    =>  null,
        'contentBottom' =>  null
    function render($params = array()){
        /** @var $gantry Gantry */
        global $gantry;

        $fparams = $this->_getParams($params);

        // logic to determine if the component should be displayed
        $display_component = !($gantry->get("component-enabled",true) == false && JRequest::getVar('view') == 'featured');
?>          <div id="rt-main" class="<?php echo $fparams->classKey; ?>">
                <div class="rt-container">
                    <div class="rt-grid-<?php echo $fparams->schema['mb']; ?> <?php echo $fparams->pushPull[0]; ?>">
                        <?php if (isset($fparams->contentTop)) : ?>
                        <div id="rt-content-top">
                            <?php echo $fparams->contentTop; ?>
                        <?php endif; ?>
                        <?php if ($display_component) : ?>
                        <div class="rt-block">
                            <div id="rt-mainbody">
                                <div class="component-content">
                                    <jdoc:include type="component" />
                        <?php endif; ?>
                        <?php if (isset($fparams->contentBottom)) : ?>
                        <div id="rt-content-bottom">
                            <?php echo $fparams->contentBottom; ?>
                        <?php endif; ?>
                    <?php echo $fparams->sidebars; ?>
                    <div class="clear"></div>
        return ob_get_clean();
 * @version   $Id: body_mainbody.php 59361 2013-03-13 23:10:27Z btowles $
 * @author    RocketTheme
 * @copyright Copyright (C) 2007 - ${copyright_year} RocketTheme, LLC
 * @license GNU/GPLv2 only
defined('GANTRY_VERSION') or die();


 * @package    gantry
 * @subpackage html.layouts
class GantryLayoutBody_MainBody extends GantryBodyLayout
    var $render_params = array(
        'schema'            => null,
        'pushPull'          => null,
        'classKey'          => null,
        'sidebars'          => '',
        'contentTop'        => null,
        'contentBottom'     => null,
        'component_content' => ''

    function render($params = array())
        /** @global $gantry Gantry */
        global $gantry;

        $fparams = $this->_getParams($params);

        // logic to determine if the component should be displayed
        $display_mainbody = !($gantry->get("mainbody-enabled", true) == false);
        $display_component = !($gantry->get("component-enabled", true) == false);
        // XHTML LAYOUT
        <?php if ($display_mainbody) : ?>
        <div id="rt-main" class="<?php echo $fparams->classKey; ?>">
            <div class="rt-container">
                <div class="rt-grid-<?php echo $fparams->schema['mb']; ?> <?php echo $fparams->pushPull[0]; ?>">

                    <?php if (isset($fparams->contentTop)) : ?>
                    <div id="rt-content-top">
                        <?php echo $fparams->contentTop; ?>
                    <?php endif; ?>

                    <?php if ($display_component) : ?>
                    <div class="rt-block">
                        <div id="rt-mainbody">
                            <div class="component-content">
                                if ('' == $fparams->component_content) {
                                } else {
                                    echo $fparams->component_content;
                    <?php endif; ?>

                    <?php if (isset($fparams->contentBottom)) : ?>
                    <div id="rt-content-bottom">
                        <?php echo $fparams->contentBottom; ?>
                    <?php endif; ?>

                <?php echo $fparams->sidebars; ?>
                <div class="clear"></div>
        <?php endif; ?>
        return ob_get_clean();

Feel free to edit this file to suit your needs.